Perspectief van mensen met afasie over vrienden die zijn gebleven
Archer, B., Azios, J. H., Douglas, N. F., Strong, K. A., Worrall, L., & Simmons-Mackie, N. (2023). “I could not talk . . . she did everything . . . she’s now my sister”: People with aphasia’s perspectives on friends who stuck around. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Advance online publication.
Evaluatie van twee Intensieve Uitgebreide Afasie programma’s (ICAPs)
Alexander Leff, Catherine Doogan, John Bentley, Bani Makkar, Luisa Zenobi-Bird, Amy Sherman, SimonGrobler & Jennifer Crinion (2023) More than one way to improve a CAT: Outcomes and reflections on two iterations of the Queen Square Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programme, Aphasiology.
De effecten van CLT in de eerst 90 dagen na een beroerte
Emily Eley, Maayken van den Berg, Miranda L. Rose, John E. Pierce, Abby Foster, Edwina Lamborn, SarahD’Souza, Erin Godecke, Lucette Lanyon, Ciara Shiggins, Ian Kneebone & Caroline Baker (2023) The effects of cognitive-linguistic interventions to treat aphasia in the first 90 days post-stroke: A systematic review, Aphasiology.
Zorg met of zonder tolk in het ziekenhuis: een vergelijking
Kathleen Mellahn, Monique Kilkenny, Samantha Siyambalapitiya, Ali Lakhani, Tara Purvis, Megan Reyneke, Dominique A. Cadilhac & Miranda L. Rose (2023) Comparing acute hospital outcomes for people with post-stroke aphasia who do and do not require an interpreter, Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation.
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